Annual International Conference on Critical Assessment of Massive Data Analysis
Montreal, Canada | July 15-16, 2024

CAMDA 2024 Conference

CAMDA runs in collaboration with ISMB, which joins up with ECCB every other year. CAMDA is an established full conference track at ISMB, representing one of its Communities of Special Interests (COSIs). This gives you wide exposure and further opportunities for interaction with colleagues without separate registration fees. You just register with one of multiple options at ISMB, specifying CAMDA as your interest.

CAMDA focuses on one of the grand challenges of our time, the intelligent exploitation of Big Data in the life sciences. In the post-genomic era, an effective scientific interpretation of large datasets is key to new medical and biological insights from novel high throughput assays and the increasing size of biomedical studies.
CAMDA puts a spotlight on the successful analysis and integration of the massive data sets now prevalent in the life sciences.

This year, recognizing the recent events, the scientific committee of CAMDA has set the following data analysis contest challenges:

  • The Synthetic Clinical Health Records Challenge provides a rich set of highly realistic Electronic Health Records (EHR) tracing the diagnosis trajectories of diabetic patients, created with dual-adversarial auto-encoders trained on data from 1.2 million real patients in the Population Health Database of the Andalusian Ministry of Health. Predict relevant diabetes endpoints like blindness or cardiopathy from past diagnosis trajectories!
  • The Anti-Microbial Resistance Prediction Challenge features clinical isolates sequences. Predict resistance genes/markers and identify resistant bacteria!
  • The Gut Microbiome based Health Index Challenge features hundreds of WMS based taxonomic and functional profiles of healthy and unhealthy individuals. Take advantage of the Theater of Activity concept and compete already existing taxonomy based metrics!

Leading scientists present their best methods and analyses in talks, complemented by poster sessions. Papers based on the submitted extended abstracts enter a fast track for publication in the open access, fully indexed conference proceedings at Frontiers in Genetics.

Related method papers can enter the ISMB proceedings track of the Bioinformatics journal.

All delegates vote for the best-contributed analysis. The top three presenters are honoured each year, with the first prize being the prestigious CAMDA Trophy award.

We cordially invite you to attend and contribute to CAMDA, and look forward to seeing you this year – virtually or in person!   (Fellowships available)

CAMDA dinner

Monday, 15 July 2024, 6:30 – 10:00 pm

Delegates are invited to join the CAMDA keynote speakers for scientific exchange and a great evening out at Marché des Éclusiers. The dinner will be served cocktail style with nine different hot and cold dishes, including meat, fish, seafood, and vegetarian options, as well as some alcoholic and non-alcoholic drink tickets for a selection of cocktails, wines, local mousseux, beer, juices and other soft-drinks.

We will gather right after the CAMDA poster talks at the main conference entrance at 6:15 pm to walk to the restaurant together. It is about a 15 minute stroll through the city towards the harbour, a fab opportunity for informal discussion. Alternatively, you can make your own way. Dinner starts 6:30 pm.

Marché des Éclusiers
400 rue de la Commune Ouest
Montréal, QC H3C 0N8
t (438) 518-7258

Tickets cost US$79 and are available to purchase while registering for ISMB. Note that you can also add a CAMDA dinner ticket by editing your registration using the link you received in the confirmation email. If you need dinner tickets for friends or partners who are not registered for the conference, please contact us by email.




Call for Abstracts Opens

26 January 2024

CAMDA Extended Abstracts Deadline

20 May 2024

Late Poster Submissions Deadline

20 May 2024

Late Poster Acceptance Notifications

28 May 2024

CAMDA Acceptance Notification

30 May 2024

CAMDA Conference

15-16 July 2024



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